Sunday 31 July 2011

Lost seven pounds with food poisoning thanks to the Maharaja Restaurant on Holderness Road!

Saturday 30 July 2011

York in the afternoon followed by food poisoning Friday night and all day Saturday.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Beverley today - quite lovely. York tomorrow. Really looking forward to working there.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Friday 22 July 2011

Client meetings all day today. Evening swim and sauna at Burleigh Springs.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Caught up on personal correspondence this morning and paid in cheques from the weekend.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Clouds come into my life - not to bring rain or usher a storm - but to bring colour to my sunset.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Packing for Wakefield, Hedon and then Kingston upon Hull. Looking forward to going - should be fun!

Friday 15 July 2011

Took E to the Airport this afternoon and bumped into Big Dave who now works for EM Security.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Afternoon at The Old Bull's Head with E - light bites and a natter. She flies back to Geneva Friday.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Champagne reception for a book launch. Quite a pleasant affair, however, nullum gratuitum prandium!

Monday 11 July 2011

Got a long swim in and a much needed sauna.Two of my doves went awol - but "walked" back for tea!

Saturday 9 July 2011

A punishing two weeks; now satisfyingly winding down. Chocolate Alchemy for an evening of "comedy".

Friday 8 July 2011

Thursday 7 July 2011

Toasting marshmallows at midnight by a huge log fire in the middle of Charnwood forest - bliss!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Magic with Barley Croft in Bradgate Forest until midnight last night. Great fun.

Monday 4 July 2011

Still jet lagged from this weekend; recced the venue for this weeks work. Need some sleeeeeep!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Successful and rewarding day at Ferrybridge today with the added bonus of some beautiful weather.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Fabulous days work; exhausted now! Delighted to contribute to Malcolm and Jane's special day.

Friday 1 July 2011

Working away this weekend so dashing around today buying stock for the "Hogwarts" Event next week.